is perhaps as broad a word as communication itself, because it acts
as a propelling of the life-reaction, that is, if something moves, if
something lives, if something thinks, and because it reacted by the
propulsion of a language that brought it information , Like a stone
that moves in the language of gravity, like a seed that springs from
the language of life in the information brought to it by light and
soil, everything is communication that is processed through language.
science of language is semiotics, to which, although I, a hermeneut
in the office of interpreting law and justice for nearly three
decades, I do not see myself as a neophyte semiotic yet, but, as an
aspirant, delighted By a communicative structure that sounds to me
like music, and was planted by the art of two incredible
semiologists, Lúcia Santaella and Winfried Nöeth, who in their
classes seemed to me to present, the language of the stars, which
allows me today to react with conscience to language Of universal
communication, interpreted here in Christian language, rescuing the
idea brought by the words of the apostle Paul, if I do not have the
gift of speaking tongues, I feel in myself the gift of interpreting
them (1 Cor 12: 7b).
in the process of universal communication that occurs every moment,
the music conducted by the web of semiotics, put me next to one of
the greatest communication phenomena of those times, experienced by
the world scientific community, that of language emitted by small
radio signals , Known as fast radio bursts - FRB, which, far from the
technical fundamentals of astronomy, I prefer to name them as flashes
of radios or even, radio sparks.
because they resemble the phenomenon of entering a dark room, and
when the light is switched on, there is a brief flash on the switch,
a spark that lasts a second. The phenomenon of the FRB is similar,
however, it is less than about two hundred times the spark of the
switch because it only lasts five thousandths of seconds, but
produces an energy equivalent to the energy produced by ten thousand
years of the energy produced by the sun " "These explosions
have given more energy in a millisecond than the sun in 300,000
years," said lead researcher at the University of Manchester,
England, Dan Thornton (REED, 2013, §3).
phenomenon has been followed by man since the beginning of the new
millennium when one perceives waves that crossed space a few years
ago, that is, it is not perceptible in real time, although micro,
like a powerful wave that is, was associated with Waves emitted by
the energy of a cataclysm generated in the event of a two-neutron
star crash, since, by 2012, man had only identified 12 such phenomena
in an individualized way, but in recent years this phenomenon has
turned the astronomy upside
surprising her with the discovery of five more phenomena coming from
a single source, like pulsating waves, which confused the idea of
the cataclysm, and the scientists do not know how to explain
neither the origin of the FRB nor the source from which it comes , So
"ultra-powerful radio bursts are the most disconcerting mystery
to astronomy" (GIBNEY, 2016, § 5), causing astonished and
perplexed scholars to ask: what is so powerful to produce a signal of
these ?
phenomenon in the process of communication is known in semiotics as
the firstness, because "it gives experience its quality ... it
is what it is, whatever it is, independently of anything"
(SANTAELLA, 2012, page 78) And throws aside the cataclysmic
hypothesis, composing the secondness’s
which is supplemented by the intellectual synthesis, termed
thirdness, by the words of Paul when he says that the wisdom of God
confuses the wise (1 Cor 1: 27), whose work To interpret the language
of this phenomenon under the Christian gaze, was given to this madman
(ibid.) And, alas, from this madman, if he tried to conceal his folly
from men (1Cor 9, 16b).
the analysis of the phenomenon that semiotics calls the sign, one is
going to seek its signifier from the current context, in which the
Catholic Church celebrates the announcement of the arrival of a King
who, being God, becomes small like man, pregnant woman
in the smallness of a virgin(Luke
1:48), whose actuality of the phenomenon carries the following
precept of subordination: "Ask for a sign to the Lord your God,
in the depths of the mansion of the dead or in the sublimity of the
heights" (Is 7,11 ), But in the face of the unbelief of the
world, God even goes so far as to say, "For you will know that
the Lord will give you a sign: the girl has conceived and will bear a
son and will call him the name of Immanuel. To bring to you, to your
people, and to all the family of your father, days of happiness like
there has not been since the day that Ephraim departed from Judah
"(Is 7,14,17), For the endless sufferings came to an end because
of the indifference of man, who brought destruction and ruin, famine
and war, and left his children fallen by the corners, totally
surrendered and fainted, just like the hunt that fell into the trap
51, 17-18).
the Christian context in the present time of the FRB phenomenon, the
first secondness
to the Christian language, before the firstness
that traces the characteristic of a tiny spark, therefore, very small
and at the same time powerful as the energy of ten thousand years of
the sun, is presented By Matthew when he confirms Paul by stating
that, unlike the world waiting for a superman, God appears small and
compares the Kingdom of Heaven with the mustard seed: although it is
the smallest of all seeds, when it grows, Higher than the other
plants. And it becomes a tree, so that the birds of the sky come and
make nests in its branches (Mt 13,32).
second secondness in the
flash that crosses the outer space that does not allow to identify
the origin, nor what it is, as in the words of Matthew when it says
that this Kingdom "will come like the lightning that comes out
of the east and shines to the west" (Mt 24, 27 ), A wave that
travels six billion light years, and reaches the man, small, two
hundred times smaller than a spark, but, powerful as the glow of five
hundred suns, if it is folly for the learned, for the little ones it
is a sign.
"One puzzle is that the two signals portray different pictures of the underlying source, which seems to be as much as 10 billion light years (3.2 gigaparsecs) away. Whereas the radio burst lasted just a few milliseconds, the γ-ray signal lasted between two and six minutes, and it released much more energy in total than the radio burst. “We’ve pumped up the energy budget more than a billion times,”". (FOX apud GIBNEY, 2016, § 6º).
third secondness in the FRBs
does not appear in real time, but it is only perceived after years,
remembering the dialogue of Moses with God, that before so much
affliction and disbelief of the peoples,
it asked a single signal of his Glory to him that answers to him:
"You will not be able See my face, for no man can see it, and
keep it alive: and when my glory passes by, I will put you in the
cleft of the rock, and cover it with the palm of my hand, until I
have passed. But you will not be able to see me (Ex. 33: 20-22-23),
God placed the man before the space cleft, with telescopes and radio
sensors, but with his right hand, So that his Glory be seen only
after his passing, as the centurion reminds us of the cross, which
only after Jesus' death recognizes him: "he was indeed the Son
of God!" (Mt 27, 54b ).
The fourth secondness in the FRBs
most intriguing mystery in the discoveries of all FRBs is that they
maintain a mathematical pattern in which all FRBs discovered are
multiples of 187.5:
"To calculate how far bursts have come, astronomers use a concept called dispersion measure. Each burst covers a range of radio frequencies, as if the entire FM band were playing the same song. However, the electrons in space disperse and delay the radiation unevenly and the higher frequency waves move faster than the lower frequency ones. Thus, the more space the signal crosses, the greater the difference - or the measure of dispersion - between the arrival time of the high and low frequencies - and consequently how much the signal has traveled.
According to Michael Hippke, attached to the Institute for Data Analysis, Germany, this multiple delay of 187.5 between bursts of wave arrivals points to several sources of the signal, including that they are being fired at more than 10 Billion light-years away.
However, according to Hippke, the most likely explanation is that the waves are being emitted from within the Milky Way itself by some group of objects that naturally emit low frequency pulse trains after high frequencies, with a multiple delay of 187 , 5 between the waves.
For Hippke's colleague, astrophysicist John Learned, attached to the University of Hawaii, there are five chances in 10,000 that this is a coincidence. "If this pattern is real and natural, then it is very difficult to explain our translation" (EDITORIA, 2015, §§ 7-12) [our translation].
the Christian language, 187,5 are days of the year, 187, representing
half a year or six months and some days, the tenth of five (5), means
approximation, thus counting 187 days from the first day of the
that celebreted
November 27, 2016, we arrive on June 1, 2017, the day of adoration of
the Blessed Sacrament, Thursday, which is approaching (0.5) for the
following week, that is, the next Sunday arrives On June 4, 2017,
Celebration of Pentecost.
that the language points to a mathematical pattern that reflects the
behavior of a powerful phenomenon, God reveals to his people through
this number a Divine identity, the identity of the Holy Spirit, that
is, the Sign in Heaven can identify itself as coming from God , For
187,5 identifies himself as the Holy Spirit whose message of the
Living Word to his people is:
confines of the universe contemplated
salvation of our God
the Lord God, O Earth.
and rejoice (Ps 97,3b-4).
On the celebration of Pentecost on June 4, 2017, it is not for man to guess the times, since time is from God, and man, by losing the grace of friendship with God, carries within himself the corruptibility (Cf. Ex 33,20, Is 6,5) as already discussed in the text on the transversality of science in the link:
Fifth secondness of FRBs
For the Christian language, if in the fourth secondess to the people of God a sign was given, the Dove of Peace, on the fifth, this sign is revealed from the science of communication, that is, by semiotics, which does not treat the phenomenon as divination, But of an abductive logic (FÉLIX, unknown date), called by Charles Peirce of pragmaticism, because in the process of communication, it includes in the formation of meaning, the language of material and immaterial (SAMPAIO, 2012).
The name pragmaticism was given by Peirce, to conceptualize the perception of man from the integrated interpretation of language under the senses of material and immaterial, in abducted logic, whose root is a transfiguration of pragmatism that was the initial name, but William James , Began to use it in a distorted way, for James, falling into the same addiction of modern science, applied pragmatism in a way disintegrated with language, that is, if dazzling separately with the senses, sometimes the dazzle brought only by the thing, by the Physics, or sometimes dazzle brought only with the senses of language surrounding itself, that of metaphysics, which Massumi (2009) calls Theorization or Disciplinarization and Morin (2012) of Hyperespecialization.
Thus, the pragmaticism of semiotics can be considered a rematch that measures height, width and depth, composing the principles of the dimension of this universe of material that is space, the immaterial that is the time, and the history produced by communication Or senses, a rule which in Christian language is called something like the Alpha and Omega, for in Him everything is created.
Using this same tool, for the interpretation of the fifth secondness, we begin with the idea that in the Christian language, the Alpha and Omega, is given by Faith and Work (LUCIO FILHO, 2016), here the work was given by a work in favor of the cause of the beatification of Father Vitor Coelho, that by the intensity of his faith, we could say that he holds the gold ring of the descent of the New Abraham, belonging to the lineage of Mary, and in carrying out the work in favor of his beatification, The various activities carried out led one to write a re-reading of the text that relates the eternal alliance between God and man in item 4 of the structure of the semiotics of the text Perception of Reality.
Although referring to a common theme, that text and the present, are two distinct works, the first was written in March 2016, without having the slightest reference on FRBs, and the present text, when dealing specifically with the FRBs, Made no reference to the content of that text, but the deep intimacy with the friendship of God narrated in the first text led to an indirect reference of the FRBs with the present text when referring to the seal of the covenant between God and Abraham Like the spark that warms the soul of foreign (adamah):
As a flame or spark, able to spread the energy of this alliance to all the other Adamah: behold, a smoking fire and a torch of fire passed between the divided beasts (Gn, 15, 17b), to form a single ring, as in circumference of the sun, radiant of light (ibid., Item 4, § 22).
Milky Way - Serge Brunier - NASA / HUBBLE out / 05
according to abductive logic of semiotics, or Peirce's pragmaticism,
the fifth secondness reveals to you the sign of God to his people,
through the spark of Abraham, who in a corridor of the universe,
traveling billions of light years, bright like five hundred suns,
passing among the stars, to remind you, a human being so small, but
greater than a spark, that God has an alliance of friendship with you,
an eternal ring of light.
The revelation of the sign given to the People by the fifth, comes to present to this people God's friend, the new chant of friendship that is: The confines of the universe contemplated the salvation of our God (Ps 97,3b), with the spark of Abraham Who from so far away visits the hearts of men, to reestablish their friendship with them.
The sixth secondnes of FRBs
The sixth secondness to interpret through the Christian language, the source of the FRBs that semiotics uses the reference to the word source, to remind to the people about the living water: "I saw water that flowed from under the temple sill to the east side (Ezek. 47: 1b), and, as is evident in this precept, the water flowed, however, without showing the source, so it is with the FRBs, whose source man can not identify.
"No astronomer had ever seen anything like it. No theorist had predicted it. Yet there it was
— a 5-millisecond radio burst that had arrived on
24 August 2001 from an unknown source seemingly billions of light years
away" (GIBNEY, 2016, §1º).
But for a better understanding of living water, one must also place oneself in the context in which it is shown, for we live in a time when the people are oppressed, a slave, feeling useful only for work, but without Sense for life, as in the text below.
A spark that is as small as the mustard seed, but it shows all the splendor of a star in the east, as it is revealed in the East to the wise men: "We have seen his star in the East, and we have come to pay homage to him" ( Lk 2: 2b), was also revealed to Ezekiel: "for the front of the Temple was toward the east" (Ezek. 47: 1c), thus creating a sign for the present time under the number 0.500 which is the duration Spark, that is, 5 milliseconds, in which the 0 (integer) brings a signifier of small, tiny, as is the Kingdom of Heaven, while 500, thus, refers to the divine identity as a symbol Of God to his People, of the same Living Water described by Ezekiel in the outward movement of the temple:
The seventh secondness comes to deal about the FRB's audio (CASEY, 2016), to which we are reminded of the background brought by Isaiah when he says: "The Lord will give a sign to a distant people and whistle for him from the end of the earth. Look! These people come swift and nimble" (Is 5:26).
Would it be a whistle of God to place a Jesuit Pope, named Francisco, in charge of the Catholic Church in the days of the FRBs? Why Jesuit? These inquiries lead us to the thoughts of Baldes (2010), remind that:
These principles were transferred to his lineage whose history is as follows:
A new land is called by João de Barros of Land of Holy Cross: as the humanist Cabral called it, who called it Holly Cross, thus honoring the Sacred Wood (wood trunk) and inscribing the sacrifice of Christ in the genesis of the land found , Which was thus all devoted to God, as expressing the great hopes in the conversion of the Gentiles (SOUZA, 2001).
Following the same path of friendship with God, the Portuguese receive as partners the Jesuits with the installation in these lands of the Society of Jesus, who "was initially present in Brazilian education for 210 years, from 1549 to 1759, when he was expelled . The restoration of the Society of Jesus took place on August 7, 1814. The Jesuits returned to Brazil in 1842 by Porto Alegre, who were expelled from Argentina (KASSAB and PERALTA, 2010, p.18).
With the inheritance brought by these ties of friendship, Isaiah's secondness son brings a new Lion, who comes to speak of the Christian vocation of this new land: "roar as a new lion" (Is 5,29), which when called the Land of Holy Cross Also, by Decree of Pope Pius XI of July 16, 1930, consecrated to the One who sealed the alliance of eternal friendship to the heirs of faith, to the heirs of Abraham, on this date:
Land's Holly Cross, who has the cross in the earth and in the sky, and calls the mother of the nation the own mother of God, like a new lion, roars the Truth to which you both love and swore fidelity to her.
The thirdness of FRBs
The revelation of the sign given to the People by the fifth, comes to present to this people God's friend, the new chant of friendship that is: The confines of the universe contemplated the salvation of our God (Ps 97,3b), with the spark of Abraham Who from so far away visits the hearts of men, to reestablish their friendship with them.
The sixth secondnes of FRBs
The sixth secondness to interpret through the Christian language, the source of the FRBs that semiotics uses the reference to the word source, to remind to the people about the living water: "I saw water that flowed from under the temple sill to the east side (Ezek. 47: 1b), and, as is evident in this precept, the water flowed, however, without showing the source, so it is with the FRBs, whose source man can not identify.
"No astronomer had ever seen anything like it. No theorist had predicted it. Yet there it was
![]() |
Wayne England |
But for a better understanding of living water, one must also place oneself in the context in which it is shown, for we live in a time when the people are oppressed, a slave, feeling useful only for work, but without Sense for life, as in the text below.
God sees the penury of the people, not for the physical misery that is the effect, but for the misery of the heart that is the cause, has shown himself to be listening, and has responded to his call when he sings:"As the exhausted employee suicide led to the resignation of the Japanese giant president.
The president of Japan's main advertising agency announced his resignation after the suicide of an employee who said he was physically and mentally exhausted from overwork.
Before killing himself, Takahashi left a note for his mother, in which he wrote: 'You're the best mom in the world, but why does everything have to be so hard?'.
Weeks before her death, she wrote a message on social networks saying, 'I want to die.' In another, he warned: 'I am physically and mentally shattered'.
Contracted in April last year, the young woman came to do about 105 hours of overtime a month " (BBC BRASIL, 2016, §§ 1.8-9) [2]
Thus, as in times of slavery in Egypt, now the sixth secondness comes to reminisce the sparks of friendship between God and mankind: "When the sun set and the night came, a smoking flame and a torch of fire passed between the divided animals . On that day, the Lord established an alliance with Abram (Gen 15: 17-18a), sparks that run down the Milky Way corridor, whose source is unknown where it comes from, but your people thirsting and hungry for love, believing in this love's source (OLIVEIRA, 1990) touches the heart of God, who remembers his promise: "From the bottom of slavery his cry came to God." God heard their complaints and remembered the covenant he had made with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob "(Ex 2,23b-24).I beg to you for this water that you have.
You are living water, my Lord.
I'm thirsty, I'm hungry for love.
And I believe this source from where you come. (...)
You make me reborn, you make me relive,
And I want water from this source where you come from (OLIVERIA, 1990).
A spark that is as small as the mustard seed, but it shows all the splendor of a star in the east, as it is revealed in the East to the wise men: "We have seen his star in the East, and we have come to pay homage to him" ( Lk 2: 2b), was also revealed to Ezekiel: "for the front of the Temple was toward the east" (Ezek. 47: 1c), thus creating a sign for the present time under the number 0.500 which is the duration Spark, that is, 5 milliseconds, in which the 0 (integer) brings a signifier of small, tiny, as is the Kingdom of Heaven, while 500, thus, refers to the divine identity as a symbol Of God to his People, of the same Living Water described by Ezekiel in the outward movement of the temple:
And who could have imagined that the measure of Ezekiel's 500 meters would have no other use for man's heart than to identify the Covenant through the spark of friendship between God and man which reaches us today written in the stars , Through the corridors of the Milky Way, who, before the misery of the world, dry, unbelieving, without love, makes him sing to his Friend:"And the man led me out of the north gate, and went round about unto the outer porch that looketh toward the east, where the water was flowing from the right side: and the man went toward the east side with a line in his hand measuring five hundred meters, and he made me cross the water that was at his ankles. And he measured me five hundred meters again, and made me pass again through the water which was now on my knees. He measured others five hundred meters, end now, it was a torrent that I could no longer cross except to swim. Then, the man said to me, 'Have you seen, a human creature?' "(Ezek 47: 2-4) 6a) [2] (our translations].
I'm thirsty, I'm hungry for love.The Seventh Secondness of FRBs
And I believe this source from where you come.
You make me reborn, you make me relive,
And I want water from this source from where you come (OLIVEIRA, 1990)
The seventh secondness comes to deal about the FRB's audio (CASEY, 2016), to which we are reminded of the background brought by Isaiah when he says: "The Lord will give a sign to a distant people and whistle for him from the end of the earth. Look! These people come swift and nimble" (Is 5:26).
Would it be a whistle of God to place a Jesuit Pope, named Francisco, in charge of the Catholic Church in the days of the FRBs? Why Jesuit? These inquiries lead us to the thoughts of Baldes (2010), remind that:
To try to understand better, the role of these servants of God, that is, the Jesuits, are referred to the Word of Isaiah when he says: "Look! These people come swiftly and nimble "(Is 5, 26b), which refers to the history of the formation of the Kingdom of Portugal in the twelfth century, whose Christian link draws a common line between the time of Isaiah and the preludes of the constitution of this Kingdom, That has by protagonist the emperor of Lion and Castile.[...] the Jesuits. Only this name will be enough to alarm a certain group of readers; So, in order to reassure, I affirm that I do not intend here to write an apology for the Jesuits .... However, it is impossible to think of religious institutions, religious, political and literary history in Europe for three centuries without meeting the Jesuits at every step; We can not travel through the most distant countries, cross unknown seas, visit more remote lands or penetrate the most terrible deserts without finding, under our feet, memorials of the Jesuits. (BALDES apud KASSAB; PERALTA, 2010, p.18).
Under a Kingdom consecrated to Christianity, the constitution of Portugal was structured under the aegis of its king, the Just, Alfonso X, "in view of the idea that the relations between the king and the people would now be governed by the applicability of the laws , Which should always prevail for the common good "(SENKO, 2013, p.25), for" as the head of the kingdom he was to bear the suffering of his suddies as if they were members of his body; He must love them and admonish them as if they were his children. The king is the ruler by which the crooked lines are straightened, and the errors are known and corrected "(ibid .: 25, note 14). From these findings it becomes possible to identify the secondness in the Word of Isaiah when he says, "See," This people come swift and nimble"(Is 5, 26b), for the Reign of King Afonso X took place under swift decisions:"After several hesitations, I chose two sages who always impressed me: a Hebrew, King Solomon, who lived in the tenth century BCE; And the other Castilian, King Dom Afonso X, who lived in the thirteenth century AD. Despite the distance that separates them in time - about 23 centuries, or rather well over two millennia - there are many things in common between the two. In the first place, he approaches them as king. Later, although one was a Jew and the other Christian, both were God-fearing and asked Him to give them wisdom to reign, discernment between good and evil, and above all a sense of justice so that the people would not suffer with their governments, (LEÃO, 2010, p 111).
In the face of the strong bond of friendship with God, Isaiah presents a further secondness whose signifier seems a direct reference to the Kingdom of Leon and Castile: "His roaring is like a lion's, roaring like a new lion: he roars as he grabs his prey; No one takes it "(Is 5:29)."The kingdom that Alfonso X received was filled with new circumstances, which required the making of rapid decisions, as Joseph F. O'Callaghan points out:
Alfonso X ascended to the throne soon after a great enlargement of the territory of the kingdom took place as a consequence of the conquest of Andalusia and the Murcia. This had implied an increase in the prestige and authority of the crown; But it had also created problems of difficult resolution. The new king was to repopulate the newly conquered territories; Should be concerned about the large Muslim population now under Christian rule; Had to cope with the rampant inflation that the king and his kingdom would haunt for years.
As if that were not enough, Alfonso was an ambitious monarch who planned to carry out the invasion of North Africa designed by his father to control the route followed until then by the Moslem armies that had invaded Spain. He also hoped to gain hegemony over the other neighboring kingdoms by resurrecting the old imperial pretensions of Leon, and above all he was determined to obtain the crown of the Holy Roman Empire, which he claimed as grandson Frederick I Barba-ruiva (ibid., P. 24)
These principles were transferred to his lineage whose history is as follows:
D. Tereza daughter of D. Alfonso X, Emperor of Leon and Castile, and had for husband the Count D. Henry, VI, whose care for the education of this boy was given by him to the noble D. Egas Moniz."The queen came (D.Tereza), to give birth to a great and famous son, who could not be more (beautiful) creature, except that he was born with the legs which, according to the opinion of the doctors and of all, Diagnosed that it would not be cured (GALVÃO apud PEREIRA and SILVA, 2010, p.9).
After these observations of the strong ties of friendship with God, the Kingdom of Portugal followed to other domains, arriving in South America in 1500, which discovered a new land narrated by Pero Vaz de Caminha and Master John the authors of the first narratives on the New land and its sky: Master John took possession of it for the Portuguese and made the first accurate European description of the Southern cruise constellation, the "most famous constellation of all new heavens" (SEED apud SOUZA, 2001, p.1)"And when D. Egas lay down one night sleeping, having already the boy five years,
Appeared to Our Lady and said:
- D. Egas, do you sleep?
He, waking up with this vision and voice, replied:
- Lady, who are you?
She said:
- I am the Virgin Mary, that I command you to go to such a place (giving him the signs of him soon) and dig there, and you will find there a church, which was once begun in my name, is my image . Make rebuild the church and the image done to my honor, and this done, you will make vigil there, putting the boy that you raise on the altar; And knoweth that he shall be healed, and shall be whole. And let us not labor less, from henceforth, to create it well and to keep it as you do, for my son wants by him to destroy many enemies of the faith.
Disappeared this vision, was D. Egas Moniz very comforted and joyful, as vassal as they are and true love loved his master and his things.
And it was morning, and he arose early, and went with much people to that place which had been spoken to him; And commanded to dig he found that church and image, putting into action all the things that Our Lady had commanded him, which he pleased by his holy piety, as soon as the boy was placed on his altar, be soon cured and are of the legs, Without any cripples, as if he had never had anything.
Seeing D. Egas this great pleasure and miracle, he gave many praises to God and to Our Lady his mother, creating and guarding from now on, with much greater care, the child, of whom he was always a companion "(...) and Because of this miracle, it was later done in this church, with great devotion the monastery of the Carque "(GALVÃO apud PEREIRA and SILVA, 2010, pp. 9-10).
A new land is called by João de Barros of Land of Holy Cross: as the humanist Cabral called it, who called it Holly Cross, thus honoring the Sacred Wood (wood trunk) and inscribing the sacrifice of Christ in the genesis of the land found , Which was thus all devoted to God, as expressing the great hopes in the conversion of the Gentiles (SOUZA, 2001).
Following the same path of friendship with God, the Portuguese receive as partners the Jesuits with the installation in these lands of the Society of Jesus, who "was initially present in Brazilian education for 210 years, from 1549 to 1759, when he was expelled . The restoration of the Society of Jesus took place on August 7, 1814. The Jesuits returned to Brazil in 1842 by Porto Alegre, who were expelled from Argentina (KASSAB and PERALTA, 2010, p.18).
With the inheritance brought by these ties of friendship, Isaiah's secondness son brings a new Lion, who comes to speak of the Christian vocation of this new land: "roar as a new lion" (Is 5,29), which when called the Land of Holy Cross Also, by Decree of Pope Pius XI of July 16, 1930, consecrated to the One who sealed the alliance of eternal friendship to the heirs of faith, to the heirs of Abraham, on this date:
It was Brazil that consecrated herself to her Lady and Mother: 'Madam Aparecida, Brazil is yours! Queen of Brazil, bless our people. Peace to our people! Salvation for our Motherland! Mrs. Aparecida, Brazil loves you, Brazil, Brazil in you trust! Lady Aparecida, Brazil calls you, Hail Queen! '"(GONZAGA, 2016, § 10).
Our Lady of the Conception Aparecida (Emerged) established an intimate bond of motherhood with these people, becoming the patroness of this land
Today, in identifying the FRBs as a sign of God, the secondness that stands out is that on this earth, his people recognize a great sign in Heaven as Isaiah says: The Lord will give a sign to a distant people (Is 5,26 ), Who in turn, whose Catholics have as their King, the first Jesuit Pope in the history of the Church, who reigns from the other side of the world, as Isaiah says: he will whistle for him from the end of the earth (Is 5, 26b), And that when he was chosen he said: they chose a Pope from the end of the world."The image of Our Lady Aparecida (Emerged) is unique in that it refers to religious identification within Brazil, being recognized as patroness of the country. The history of the image is based on the year 1717, when it was found by three fishermen.
Certainly the affirmation of the Image of Our Lady Aparecida in the late nineteenth century and at the dawn of the twentieth is not an isolated fact, nor is it the result of a religious policy restricted to Brazil. It has reference in an action adopted by the Church worldwide. In the set of documents on the coronation of the image of Aparecida in 1904 are contained some letters sent by Pope Leon XIII and Pius X to the cardinals of the Catholic Church. In one of these writings, Leon XIII draws attention to the need for celebration by the Church of the fiftieth anniversary of the dogmatic definition of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin "(PETERS, 2012, pp. 87-88).
Land's Holly Cross, who has the cross in the earth and in the sky, and calls the mother of the nation the own mother of God, like a new lion, roars the Truth to which you both love and swore fidelity to her.
The thirdness of FRBs
Thirdness refers us at
this Christmas time to the same experience of the Epiphany in which
three wise men identify a sign in the sky, the Star of Bethlehem, and
when they present themselves to Herod they say: We saw their star in
the East, and we came to lend (Luke 2: 2b), which become signs that
give meaning to the history of humanity, as an invitation that says:
God speaks to us in history and calls us to conversion, let us be
living words proclaiming salvation1 or still , Seek the Lord while he
lets himself be found (Isa. 55: 6), before an announcement of the
great good news, or, before the Good News, who, confusing the wise
men plunged in so many tragedies, says to you: Rejoice, he is Very
near, I will listen to what the Lord says: God proclaims peace to his
people and his faithful, and to those who are converted from the
heart (Ps. 85 (84)).
A merry Christmas to you, long life to the King.
A merry Christmas to you, long life to the King.
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